The Vampire Bats: Creatures of Ominous Legend

Commonly associated with Halloween, misfortune, witches, horror movies, and the devil, the infamous vampire bats have been at the center of ominous folklore for centuries. Then again, with their intimidating design, purely nocturnal lifestyle, and diet consisting solely of blood, it is not difficult to see how these unique animals received their unattractive reputation. And yet, though the images and concepts vampire bats represent throughout different cultures are interesting, the science and finesse behind their design is far more extraordinary. Continue reading The Vampire Bats: Creatures of Ominous Legend

The Fanged Rogue: The Brazilian Wandering Spider

The South American ecosystem is known for its variety of dangerous species, from swift and deadly jaguars to large and powerful reptiles like caiman and anacondas. Despite that, it may come as a surprise to find that one of the most dangerous and notorious creatures in this world is a relatively tiny hunter. This small predator, however, possesses aggression comparable to the potential hostility of the large hunters it shares its world with. It wanders through the jungle at night looking for prey, and its weapon is a powerful toxin that can prove deadly to any aggressor, including humans. Continue reading The Fanged Rogue: The Brazilian Wandering Spider